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Oct 9, 2021
Bettie Page Painting on Wood
I'm finally back to painting and it's Bettie Page who I've been longing to paint. I didn't really know how this piece was going to turn...

Sep 16, 2019
Chris Farley Painting: Holy Schnikes!
I was recently commissioned to paint Chris Farley in my colorful abstract style after having painted him on wood for another project....

Jul 2, 2019
Mini Canvas Paintings by Carrie Milburn
Here are some more mini canvas paintings that I've recently completed. Ken Griffey Jr., Liz Taylor and Dolly Parton. I am loving these...

Apr 3, 2019
Amy Winehouse Painting: Black Butterfly
My most recent painting is yet another Amy Winehouse painting, but this time the piece is quite large at 4-feet tall. I named the...

Mar 18, 2019
Dave Grohl Original Painting
I painted Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl recently and it is included in my showing at The Sisters restaurant. The painting is 12x16"...

Mar 11, 2019
Original Amy Winehouse Paintings
I created a ton of art in February for my show that started on March 4th at The Sisters Restaurant in Everett, WA. Among those paintings...

Dec 12, 2018
Custom Pet Portrait Paintings in Snohomish - Seattle
It's the holiday season and for me that means one thing, a lot of pet portrait painting! I paint custom cat and dog portrait paintings on...

Oct 29, 2018
John Lennon Painting: All You Need Is Love
After a long month of illness and travel I am finally back creating art! This is my latest painting, "All You Need is Love". I was...

Sep 26, 2018
Notorious B.I.G., Biggie Smalls Painting on Wood
Biggie Smalls, aka the Notorious B.I.G., aka Christopher Wallace, is without a doubt, one of the greatest rappers that ever lived. His...

Sep 19, 2018
Another Johnny Cash Spool Top Painting
Here's another Johnny Cash spool top painting I just completed. This one is pretty similar to the last Johnny Cash spool top painting I...

Sep 17, 2018
Mini Paintings by Carrie Milburn
These are the mini paintings that I have done so far, all but two have sold at this time. The smallest is only 2". My largest painting to...

Aug 28, 2018
Mini Canvas Painting: David Bowie Eyes
I get bored working on the same surface, using the same size or even painting in the same style, day after day, so I often switch things...

Aug 28, 2018
Johnny Cash Wood Painting at SnoTown Brewery
Check this out, new art at SnoTown Brewery this week! I painted another wooden spool top and this one is probably my favorite to date....

Jul 24, 2018
Zack de la Rocha Painting 20x20"
My latest painting has been on the back burner for awhile and today I finally completed it. Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine,...

May 22, 2018
BJORK Painting, "Possibly Maybe"
My latest painting was done very quickly, in a few hours. It's main purpose for me was to work on my black and white portrait skills....

May 17, 2018
Anniversary of Chris Cornell's Death (Artwork)
Today marks the one year anniversary of Chris Cornell's death. Can you believe it has been a YEAR?! Anyone who follows my artwork knows...

May 13, 2018
Buzz Osborne Painting (The Melvins)
One Seattle band I always loved in the 90s (and still do) is The Melvins. They never quite achieved the same fame as some other bands of...

May 8, 2018
May's Artwork in Progress: Chris Cornell
Yeah, yeah, I know, another Chris Cornell painting?! Sure, I've painted him a few times already, but this is a totally new style. I am...

Apr 11, 2018
Can Artists Claim Donated Artworks as a Tax Deduction?
Happy tax season - argh. It's that time of year again and if you're an artist you may be wondering about your annual tax deductions. I...

Jan 28, 2018
Ayron Jones Painting, "West Coast Feeling"
I recently completed this 18x24" painting of Seattle musician Ayron Jones. I named it after one of his songs, "West Coast Feeling". If...
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